5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Dental Implants

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After a long year spent social distancing, families around the world will be gathering to celebrate the holidays. As you join the festivities, there’s one major difference this year—you’ve replaced your missing teeth with dental implants. As you adjust to your new smile, here are 5 reasons to be thankful you invested in the revolutionary procedure.

1. Natural-looking results boost your self-esteem.

It’s easy to feel embarrassed by a less than perfect smile, but your palms won’t sweat when it is time to take family pictures. Dental implants are a nearly perfect replica of real teeth. No one will know they aren’t natural, so you can smile your brightest without a care in the world.

2. Enjoy your favorite holiday foods.

A dental implant differs from traditional tooth replacement methods because it recreates both the root and crown. With your jawbone stabilizing your restoration, you’ll never have any slipping or irritation. Dental implants restore up to 70% of your natural biting force to savor all your favorite holiday dishes; however, remember to cut your foods into small pieces to make them easier to chew.

3. Long-term, reliable solution.

You won’t have to worry about your new teeth breaking or failing during the holidays. Dental implants have over a 95% success rate. They are proven to last for 30 years or longer with the right aftercare, like maintaining your oral hygiene. Dental implants provide the most predictable results, so you can focus on making memories instead of a future dental bill.

4. Easy maintenance and care.

If you’ll be traveling this season, you don’t need to pack various oral hygiene products or cleaning solutions. You care for dental implants the same as your real teeth, so all you’ll need are your toothbrush, floss, and daily mouthrinse. If you have removable implant dentures, don’t forget to bring any necessary cleaning products.

5. Restored youthful appearance.

Tooth loss can make you look years older than your true age. Besides the aesthetic concerns about the gaps, an incomplete smile doesn’t support your facial tissues. Treating your missing teeth gives them the framework they need to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin to take years off your appearance.

As you shop for the perfect gifts and prepare tasty meals, pause to appreciate your newly revamped smile. Although the holidays are busy, don’t forget to brush and floss after every meal to protect your investment. If it has been over 6 months since your last cleaning and checkup, put an appointment with your dentist at the top of your priority list to look and feel your best.

About Dr. Lance Timmerman

Dr. Timmerman earned his dental degree at the Oral Health and Sciences University before continuing his training at the Las Vegas Institute. He has extensive qualifications in many advanced services, like dental implants and cosmetic dentistry. If you need an implant dentist you can trust, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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