IV Sedation Dentistry - Tukwila, WA

We Take Fear and Anxiety Out of The Treatment Equation.

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Do You Suffer from Dental Anxiety?

Millions of patients worldwide suffer from dental anxiety that keeps them from getting the care they need. When you postpone dental care, you’re not only affecting your oral health, but your physical health as well. In fact, patients with untreated gum disease and poor general oral health are far more likely to develop serious conditions such as stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. With dental anesthesia and sedation dentistry options at South Seattle Smiles in Tukwila, WA, Dr. Lance Timmerman and team make sure you get the care and treatment you need, with little to no pain. Sedation dentistry options include IV sedation that we administer with The Wand™, which is a digital tool that numbs the localized area of an injection site for a pain-free injection. 

iv sedation

Powerful IV Sedation for A Virtually Pain-Free Treatment

For in-depth surgical procedures such as full mouth dental implants, we typically have an anesthesiologist administer IV dental anesthesia prior to treatment. This puts patients into a dream-like state, and allows them to sit through the entirety of their treatment without feeling a thing. Some patients do fall asleep in the chair due to the powerful sedation, and due to the amnesiac effects, they wake up with the treatment completed, and never remember a thing. Sedation dentistry at South Seattle Smiles is also customized to each unique patient, meaning we can adjust dosing to ensure it lasts the entire duration of your procedure

Benefits of IV Dental Anesthesia at South Seattle Smiles

Explore Our Other Dental Anesthesia Options

dental patient taking oral sedation

Oral Sedation

As an alternative form of sedation dentistry, oral sedation offers generally milder effects for procedures that aren’t as invasive or involved as implant surgery. Oral sedation is administered in the form of a pill, which is often take at home an hour or two prior to coming in for your procedure at South Seattle Smiles.

dental patient under nitrous oxide sedation

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxidation is our mildest form of sedation dentistry, and is inhaled through a mask immediately before your treatment. Commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” nitrous takes effects within seconds and will help ease the stress and anxiety of being in the dental chair. The effects wear off quickly once the mask is removed, meaning patients are typically able to drive themselves home after their procedure.

Making Dentistry Comfortable

No matter what type of dental procedure you’re having, sedation dentistry can help ease your fear and anxiety and reduce pain levels down to almost zero. Dental anesthesia is also key to helping patients get the oral care and treatment they need. It is important to never postpone dental care, as even the most subtle of symptoms, such as sore or bleeding gums, can quickly escalate into a serious condition if not treated. If you’re looking for a sedation anesthesia near you, call the experts today at South Seattle Smiles in Tukwila, WA. After more than 20 years serving the diverse patients and families of the greater Seattle area, we know a thing or two about the stress and anxiety patients go through prior to a treatment, and it is our promise to make your procedure as fast, comfortable, and pain-free as possible.

Don't Let Dental Anxiety Stand Between You and Oral Health.

Call us today to learn more about our patient-specific dental sedation options.